这部剧集真的太伟大太伟大了最开始还只是感叹制作精良和画面真实越往后越被人性和不同视角下的战争百态打动只有十集跳跃很大但又非常连贯完整回味无穷(可我本来是删硬盘才看的人与畜禽CORPORATION现在删不了了得存着了)this is a story about ordinary men doing extraordinary things...indeed.
The child-like sparkles in Damon’s eyes make it so hard to believe the sophisticated, “made-of-stone” spy character that he’s portraying. Ideas such as honour, commitment and devotion seem outdated in the modern hedonistic ideology, but bear in mind they used to mean something, if not everything to our forefathers.